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Somatic Money Programme - Autumn 2024

'Just as we breathe in and breathe out, so money wants to flow in and flow out to be in service of life'

Caroline Quaife

About this somatic workshop

This somatic workshop provides a safe, respectful and fun space to work in some depth with your patterns around money and life.

Money is a taboo subject for many of us, so exploring our personal money questions can sometimes feel emotional and challenging. Please be aware of this.

If you have any particular concerns, please take a moment to view the FAQ document. Or, if you would like to let me know about any current emotional or mental health issues before the workshop please be in touch – in strict confidence of course.

Dates and time:

Wednesdays 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Sept 18th / Sept 25th / Oct 2nd / Oct 9th/ Oct 16th 

Can't make these dates but would like to join the programme? Find out our future dates here


The cost of the programme is £299

However you can get the earlybird rate of £269 until 31st August with code EARLYBIRD


Financially challenged? Contact to discuss a supported ticket price.


This somatic workshop is to enable you to:

    • Use a holistic, body-oriented approach tuning into the body’s intelligence and move to a better relationship with money

    • Start to make adjustments and bring the way you relate to and handle money into line with where you are on your life path. Moving towards money ‘in service of life’

    Testimonial -"It was liberating, reassuring and enlightening. It really made me think about my relationship with money and how much it has impacted my life... and also stopped me from being held back in my business."

    How we will be together

    “You are worth being with, listening to, responding to, empathising with’’

    • The workshop is a safe space and what is said in the group stays in the group
    • We listen and see each other rather than trying to solve each other’s challenges
    • We are aware and respect that others are giving us the privilege of confidentiality and trust

    Financially challenged? Contact to discuss a supported ticket price.

    7 Modules

    Pre-Course Work

    A Big Welcome to the Somatic Money in Service of Life Workshop 

    A place where we share a safe, respectful and fun space to work in some depth with your patterns around money and life.

    Workshop One: Use all of your intelligences to build a bridge between whats important to you and a better relationship with money

    Workshop Four: With self compassion reclaim the ‘lost and ugly’ parts of yourself

    Workshop Five: Find what gives you joy and purpose and move towards it

    Modules for this course 7
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     Somatic Money Programme
     £299.00 GBP

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