Connection and Growth

About Caroline

My Approach

I work with leaders and coaches (and other helping professions) who are committed to their personal development and have a greater positive impact in the world -  one step at a time.

Somatic coaching is about using the body as a WAY IN to integrate different parts of oneself.  It's a practical and compassionate approach, creating ways to grow and make a difference in the world.

Working with me enables you to make progress more quickly than by yourself. Using the body as a way in I support and challenge you to make shifts in how you live your life so you have more energy and a positive impact in the world.

My Qualifications

I am a certified ICF PCC coach with over 25 years’ experience and additional certification in:
- Coaching in Adult Development (Growth Edge Coaching)
- Somatic Coaching (POET & Strozzi)
- Foundation Training in Systemic Family Constellations (CSC)
- End of Trauma (Organic Intelligence)

I also have Postgraduate Certificate in Behaviour Change and an MA in Counselling and I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD).

My Values

  • Build a sense of safety, connection, dignity and purpose with all I touch
  • Do the work which has most positive impact, make a contribution locally and globally
  • Connect with others (its not all up to me)

When I am out and about

After many years in the corporate and public sectors I own my business as a coach and teacher. I have a collie called Tilly and two adult children. When I am not working you may well find me walking in the woods, wild swimming, and baking.

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